Life of Maulana Sayyid Shahbaz Muhammad Bhagalpuri in
উপমহাদেশে ইলমে
দ্বীন ও বিশেষতইলমুল হাদীস এর প্রচার প্রসারে যারা অনবদ্য
ভূমিকা পালন করেছেন, তাদের মধ্যে সুলতানুল আরেফিন সায়্যিদ
শাহবাজ মুহাম্মাদ ভাগলপুরী রহমাতুল্লাহি আলাইহি এক মহান ও
চির অবিস্মরণীয় নাম । হুযুর সুলতানুল আরেফিন ইলমে দ্বীনের
পাশাপাশি বেলায়াত গগনের মধ্য দিবসের সূর্য হিসেবে আউলিয়ায়ে
কিরামের মাঝে পরিচিত ।

Importance of a Good Shaykh, from Shaykh Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani
You must work hard
to ensure that your hearts are not locked out of the
door of His nearness. Be sensible! You are getting
nowhere. You must seek the company of a Shaikh who is
The True
Beloved, after
Allah has revealed to you your guide, in whose passion
you would be inflamed, open your heart to see who he is.
In the embrace of your father in the spirit, you must be
like a newborn child; not only a child of his children,
but an eye of his eyes, and this eye is a spring. When
you know how he sees through you, you will begin to
drink from the spring of the unseen and this is the same
well from which your father drinks; it is blessed for
him and he wants you to drink from this source to be
like him. Because you are, from pre-eternity, his child,
his beloved....Read
The Bay’ah:
A Prophetic Sunna
One of the main
principles of Sufism is for the murid to give a pledge
to his shaykh that he will be an obedient slave of Allah
Most High, that he will avoid sins, and that he will
adhere to the Tariqa and its wird until his death...Read

The Seeker Needs by Muhiyy ad-Din Ibn 'Arabi
An unmistakable sign of
the heaviness that will prevent you from advancing is to
be a burden on people. Neither be a freeloader nor let
others carry your load. Particularly, don't accept goods
and favors, either for yourself or for others...
more> |

Music Is Not Haram
We have
studied all these sources of religious knowledge and
have tried to determine the status of music in Islam.
Our thorough research has led us to the conclusion that
music is one of the permissible natural gifts of God.
The Islamic Shari‘ah does not forbid it. One
can use ...
Ways of the Path:
Practical steps for spiritual
easy to know spiritual quotes, Quranic verses and
sufi practices, but to live our lives putting
these into practice is another story. We must be
honest and look at our daily lives to see whether
we are making the world a better place.
we kind people? Are we eager to serve others? Do
we readily smile and give love to others? Are we
waiting for a grand spiritual enlightenment to be
a better person, or are we consciously working on
it every minute of the day?
today by contemplating these spiritual practices
and seeing how you can apply them to your life:
Our Mashaikhs

is an organ in the body that, if it is righteous, ensures that
the whole system will be righteous; and if corrupt, the whole
body will become corrupt. This organ is the heart."
more... |
is the name of courtesy, so the person who is the most
courteous is the greatest Sufi.” Good nature is of two
types—one with Allah and the other with people. Good
nature with Allah means to accept whatever He gives, and
be content with His decree. Good nature with people is
to patiently endure their insults. Both these states are
beneficial for the seeker. |